Sunday, December 28, 2008

It's So Hard to Say Goodbye

There is always such great excitement and anticipation for the holiday season to begin, but for me, its end is always the hardest. Over the past few weeks, we trimmed the tree, hung the stockings with care, ate until our heart was content, and laughed and enjoyed each other's company. But now, the tree and all the other decorations are all neatly tucked away and the house is empty and eerily quiet. By about noon today, all of our family had left headed home to their various destinations. It was definitely sad to see them all leave. =(

Having all of our family here with us over the past few weeks meant the world to us. It brought a pulse to the house that was greatly needed and appreciated. I think we all share the same sentiment that this holiday was one of the best we've all ever shared together. Thank you to everyone for your help and support and for everything you did to help this Christmas be unforgettable!

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