Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Boy Does Time Fly...

When you're having fun and happily married!!! We've been married 4 months today! Wow, seems like just yesterday we were home for the Holidays anticipating the wedding!

So much has happened in these short 4 months...so much good stuff. I'm so thankful and feel so blessed that words can't even begin to describe it. I love you bay! Happy 4 Monthiversary! =)

Monday, April 28, 2008

Home Warranty...

If you don't have one, get one! These things are lifesavers!

Ken and I had to submit our first claim on Friday...after only three short weeks of being in the house. Since the weather has recently gotten warmer, we started running our air conditioning a little more this past week. Well, low and behold, the upstairs unit was not cooling properly! So we called the warranty company and submitted a claim to have someone come out and check it out. That was it...that simple! So for a service job that would have cost us a couple hundred dollars, we only paid $65 for our deductible and we're now calm, cool, and collected in our air conditioned home! =)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

We're In JET Magazine!!!

There is a write-up about us in the April 28, 2008 issue of JET Magazine!!! We're on page 26 in the "Love and Happiness" section!!! Eeeek!

Go check it out!!! =)

So Disappointed!

So our new furniture was delivered on yesterday and I don't like the living room furniture. =(

It's TOTALLY not the color that is shown in the picture below! It's more of a mustard color...similar to the wall color in the picture in the previous post. I'm sooooo disappointed because I really like the style of the sofa, but the color and quality leave a lot to be desired. I guess it wouldn't be so bad if our walls weren't a pale yellow color. But since they are, it looks as if the sofa and wall are the same or very close to the same color. =(

Monday, April 21, 2008

Look What the Furniture Fairy Is Bringing Us...

Ken and I are soooo excited about getting a couple pieces of new furniture!! We didn't think we'd be able to get any new furnishings for the house for a minute, but luckily something came through for us and BAM, new furniture! It's being delivered tomorrow morning! Yay! =)

We got the sofa and ottoman in this picture for the living room...

And this sofa is for Ken's "Man Room" a.k.a. our den, lol...

Sunday, April 20, 2008

My Newfound Passion...

It seems I've discovered a new passion....cooking!!! I absolutely L.O.V.E. cooking in my new house for my new hubby! So to fuel that new passion, I made two very delish breakfast meals this weekend. Saturday morning I made pancakes, bacon, and eggs...and this morning I made chicken and waffles!!! I'm so proud of the success I'm having in the kitchen and even more than that, I'm sooooo happy about pleasing my wonderful husband!

Here's how my my two meals turned out...

Pancakes, bacon, and eggs

Chicken and waffles

Friday, April 18, 2008

Date Night Is Back!

After moving to TN, the hubby and I decided that we would start having a "Date Night" once a week where we would set time aside to spend some quality time together. Usually date night consisted of dinner and possibly a movie. Well, as the wedding day got closer and closer and our lives began to get crazier and crazier, our date nights slowly got pushed to the back burner. Then after the wedding, we replaced one stressful situation with another with buying and moving into our house. So needless to say, date nights eventually become a distant memory.

Well, last night, all that changed and I brought date night back! Since moving into the house and buying furniture has left us being more conservative with our money for right now, I decided that we'd have a nice, romantic date night right in the comfort of our own new home. So I tried out a new Italian dinner recipe and served up a cozy, candlelit dinner for two. Dinner was a big hit and my "Domestic Diva" points are continuing to add up! Yesss! =)

Italian Tomato Herb Chicken on a bed of Fettuccine
Noodles with a fresh garden

Sunday, April 13, 2008

A Week In Paradise...

So it's been one week since we moved into our new house and we couldn't possibly be happier! We FINALLY got all visible boxes unpacked and the items put away, so the house is finally looking decluttered. Now that I can clearly see it and it feels so much more like home, I must say that I absolutely LOVE my new house!

I cooked my first meal in my new kitchen tonight. It was an awesome feeling! I love how much more room I have and how open and airy it feels. Ken is loving how my domestic diva side is finally shining through, lol. So now that I have new found inspiration, I feel many more fabulous meals in our future. =)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

We Survived The Move!!!

After a lot of blood, sweat, and tears; the hubby and I are finally in our new house!!! With the help of my mom and dad as well as a local moving company, we moved out of our apartment this past weekend.

Being the huge procrastinator that I am, of course I waited until the last possible minute to start packing. So let's just say Friday was a looooooong night and is all a distant blur now. Despite starting extremely late, we eventually finished packing in the wee hours of Saturday morning and discovered that our apartment disappeared under a sea of boxes. =)

But luckily, the wonderful movers from Two Men and a Truck came to our rescue and did an excellent job of clearing out everything for us. I don't know how they do what they do, but my hat's off to them because I know I'd never last one hour doing their job! Thanks guys!

After we were all loaded up, it was off to our new house! We had a loaded moving truck and both of our vehicles packed. It seemed like the longest drive ever! I was just ready to get there!

Finally we arrived and got everything unloaded into the house. It was then that I realized that my "box hell" had returned and was worse than ever! I thought I would never be able to unpack everything and get any kind of order restored to my pretty new house! =(

But after a long, gruely 16-18 hour day, we finally made some progress. We've completed unpacking and organizing the master bedroom, guest bath, and kitchen. Here's a little taste of what it looks like now.

More pics to come as we continue to make our new house a cozy home! =)

Friday, April 4, 2008

Welcome to Our Journey!

So I have officially been bitten by the blogging bug! I've been contemplating starting a blog for quite some time, but had not done so in fear of not knowing what to blog about. However, after much persuasion by a few of my online friends, I've decided to start this one documenting our first year of marriage. So here goes! It's nothing too special, just a glimpse into our every day lives as we continue our full circle journey. Hope you enjoy the ride!