Tuesday, November 4, 2008

And the Holiday Frenzy Begins!

Oh.my.goodness! I CANNOT believe that the holiday season is already upon us! We are now 3 weeks away from Thanksgiving and less than 8 weeks away from Christmas! Aaaaaah! This will be our first time hosting either of the major holidays and I still have soooooo much to do to prepare! Don't get me wrong, I'm SUPER excited about hosting Christmas, but my checklist is not getting any shorter.

So far, I still have to:

  • Clear out the dining room to make room for new furniture (baby sis, you have GOT to get your furniture!)
  • Order dining room furniture
  • Purchase some home decor items to personalize the space (wall art, pictures, decorative accessories, etc.)
  • Purchase Christmas decorations
  • Prepare Christmas gift lists
  • Prepare Christmas dinner menu
I'm sure there's more to add to that list, but for now, that's all I can think of. But that's plenty! I'm trying to remain calm and relaxed, but it just dawned on me that the clock is ticking and I better get in gear! So as of today, I officially have my running gear and game face on.....let's do this Holiday thang! =)

1 comment:

Kim @ NewlyWoodwards said...

So funny.. I was just thinking of you yesterday and wondering if you ordered your new furniture. Do share when you do...

I should just ship you boxes of Christmas decor. I still have to figure out where I'm going to put 8 trees. =)