Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Update Post: Getting Everyone Up to Speed

I feel like it's been forever since my last post. I apologize. Ken and I are doing well...still enjoying the house and taking as much time as possible to enjoy it together. I realized that I left everyone hanging on a couple of my posts, so I thought it was time for a quick update...

JET Magazine...I did finally get a copy of it. As it turns out, the lady here in the office that showed me her copy ended up giving it to me! So I was so grateful that she was gracious enough to do that. Thanks to everyone who read my post and offered to mail me a copy of the mag. You all are so sweet!

Living Room Furniture...As you all know I was much less than thrilled about the color of our living room furniture when it was delivered. However, Ken and I decided to stick with the set. I must say it has since grown on me and is not as bad as I originally thought. Granted if I had my choice, I would have liked a different color, but the color isn't too bad and it works for now.

Well, I think that's all the updates I have for now. And I'll make a more conscious effort to do a better job of posting more regularly! =)

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