Tuesday, April 8, 2008

We Survived The Move!!!

After a lot of blood, sweat, and tears; the hubby and I are finally in our new house!!! With the help of my mom and dad as well as a local moving company, we moved out of our apartment this past weekend.

Being the huge procrastinator that I am, of course I waited until the last possible minute to start packing. So let's just say Friday was a looooooong night and is all a distant blur now. Despite starting extremely late, we eventually finished packing in the wee hours of Saturday morning and discovered that our apartment disappeared under a sea of boxes. =)

But luckily, the wonderful movers from Two Men and a Truck came to our rescue and did an excellent job of clearing out everything for us. I don't know how they do what they do, but my hat's off to them because I know I'd never last one hour doing their job! Thanks guys!

After we were all loaded up, it was off to our new house! We had a loaded moving truck and both of our vehicles packed. It seemed like the longest drive ever! I was just ready to get there!

Finally we arrived and got everything unloaded into the house. It was then that I realized that my "box hell" had returned and was worse than ever! I thought I would never be able to unpack everything and get any kind of order restored to my pretty new house! =(

But after a long, gruely 16-18 hour day, we finally made some progress. We've completed unpacking and organizing the master bedroom, guest bath, and kitchen. Here's a little taste of what it looks like now.

More pics to come as we continue to make our new house a cozy home! =)


Heather said...

Thanks for sharing. I am glad you survived, moving is not fun but you are now in a beautiful house. Hope you two get some rest and rest of the unpacking goes good.

I love that you have almost finish unpacking and straighting and it's only been a couple of days :)

I'm also glad Two Men and a truck worked out well. I couldn't do what they do either.


Tyler and Carmen said...

Atleast you had boxes. When Tyler moved he believed in black garbage bags thats it!

Needless to say I was cursing him when many ripped on me.


lauren said...

Glad you made it through. I agree, I don't know how yall got all of that unpacked so quickly! Kudos to yall

Your new house is beautiful :) Can't wait to see more!

MyRunningJourney said...

So glad you're all moved in! The house looks great so far! Can't wait to see more! Love the shower curtain!!

Carrie said...

Shawn moved his stuff into our condo in early January. I just unloaded/organized the last box last week...and that's only if you don't count the six boxes currently stacked in our spare bedroom! Good job!! :)

Emily Ann said...

I'm very impressed with your quick unpacking skills! That in itself is amazing. The house looks beautiful, and I can't wait to see more.

KellieBelle said...

OMG, I am so excited for you and Ken!! You got so much done in one weekend, YAY! The pics look GORGEUS! I can't wait to see more!!